Al-Ittihad Kalba

Al-Ittihad Kalba Information
League UAE League
Location 1972, UAE
Founded Kalba
Official Website

Find this seasons transfers in and out of Al-Ittihad Kalba, the latest rumours and gossip for the January 2025 transfer window and how the news sources rate for Al-Ittihad Kalba in terms of rumour accuracy.

Al-Ittihad Kalba Squad

Latest Football Transfer Rumours About Al-Ittihad Kalba

There are no recent football transfer rumours about Al-Ittihad Kalba.

Players rumoured in at Al-Ittihad Kalba FC in the last 2 weeks

Rumours Player From Club
No players rumoured into Al-Ittihad Kalba in the last 2 weeks

Players rumoured out of Al-Ittihad Kalba FC in the last 2 weeks

Rumours Player To Club
No players rumoured out of Al-Ittihad Kalba in the last 2 weeks